Is it Healthy to Use a Vibrator?

Is it Healthy to Use a Vibrator?

According to the survey published in July 2009 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, over half of the women ages 18 to 60 have used a vibrator, and those who use vibrator more often can achieve an orgasm easier, but there is still a part of women who don’t use vibrator although they are so curious about it. So let’s go through the next step to learn why women should use vibrator and what’s the advantages of using a vibrator!

The Advantages of Using a Vibrator

To Enrich Your Sex Life

Before experience sex life with a real person you love, many people have already had the need of sex. Thus, A vibrator helps women enjoy the pleasure earlier.

 To Help Release Pain

Scientific research shows that sex can relieve one’s pain to some to a certain extent. Sex releases a hormone which helps raise pain threshold, and stimulation without orgasm can also do the trick.

To Leave away From Stress

Sex is also a great form of exercise, it won’t replace the treadmill but counts for something. You may get into dream more quickly after sex, so sex can kind of soothe stress and anxiety.

To Make Your Heart Healthy

A good sex life lower the heart attack risk. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance, and also the vibrators can help! 

To Keep Vagina Healthy

The vagina stay healthy when it is protected by secretions. When using a vibrator, it helps provide moisture to this area, which also prevent infections in the cervix and urinary tract.

Absolutely it is healthy to use a vibrator, it doesn’t matter if without an orgasm, even simply massage helps you sleep better. So come to The Best Sex Toy Store - Sohimi to find more toys you like!