Everything You Need to Know about Anal Sex

Everything You Need to Know about Anal Sex - Sohimi

They always want, we always have doubts. And now? What to do? If you are researching anal sex for beginners, it is clear that you have already been feeding the idea of doing this experience, right? But, if at the time things get complicated, it is because you still don't know certain details that will be discussed here.

The anal sex is a relationship in which there is penetration (the penis, fingers or sex toys) in the rectal canal through the anus. Despite being very common, as in any topic related to sex, there is a lot of misinformation circulating around in the form of tips for pleasurable sex in this region.

The anal sex is taboo in society. A lot of people do, but you will hardly find anyone to tell you how that experience was in the smallest details. After all, he talked about this type of sex, automatically the face of "disgust" already appears. It is difficult to assume that you have already done it and that anal sex is good.

Due to all this, it is quite common for doubts and uncertainties to come to the fore. To demystify the subject, in this text you will find a meticulous step-by-step on anal sex for beginners and discover that you can have pleasure through this type of penetration!

Why do we have anal sex?

First of all, of course, you’ve already wondered why you would have anal sex with your partner, don't you? After all, we women have always heard that this sex has a type of pleasure unique to them. So, is it really worth it?

Well, it turns out that people don't explain how anal sex is for beginners. Despite some discomfort at the beginning, which is absolutely normal, once you and he enjoy the moment, rest assured that the pleasure will be for both of you!

Far from it that only the man reaches the climax in the anal penetration, for the woman the pleasure can be as much, or more! What is sometimes lacking is knowledge on the subject to make the most of the experience and put fear aside in the hour.

One of the greatest male fantasies and still considered a no-go area for some women, anal sex is still seen as taboo for many people. It is not for less, we barely discuss traditional means of sex, the more we delve into the topic on less conventional areas.

The male fascination with the area has two good justifications. First, anatomically speaking, the anus is a region with a firmer musculature, making the penis much tighter during penetration. There follows the logic, the more pressure on the penis, the greater the feeling of pleasure.

Second and, perhaps, the most important: the conquest. Getting a woman's anal sex involves trust, security and intimacy. When you win an upgrade of the area it is as if you had finished a game or received a promotion on the job, only much cooler.

Steps to make the first time perfect!

Analogies aside, if you want to venture into your partner's butt, you need to be careful and follow some basic topics on how to have anal sex with your partner. Prepare the ground, convey confidence and think about how to offer pleasure to the girl. Without it, in addition to being traumatic, she will probably face the back doors once and for all, leaving you to see ships.

Do you want to get out of theory and go to practice? So you need to first check out some very simple tips and steps so that the experience of anal sex is wonderful and thought-provoking. Here is a safe step by step to have an unforgettable night:


Many women like or also want to have the anal experience. It may be that, for little dialogue and freedom to talk about sex, yours is embarrassed to comment on the subject or think that you will misjudge her. So, leave prejudice aside and stimulate conversation, talk about your preferences and wishes and it will open the game. You may be the biggest beneficiary in the matter.


Arriving on time and asking to eat her ass can be a little scary and the likelihood of refusal will be great. Instead, opt for an article on the subject, a porn movie or a more daring conventional (Last Tango in Paris is a good one for the subject). Ask what you think about it, say that you are curious to experiment with it, for being a special person and having a lot of intimacy. She will feel challenged and encouraged to try the novelty.


Because this relationship is more conducive to unforeseen events, anal sex requires more care and hygiene. So it won't always be possible and the girl needs to be very well prepared for the situation. They can do anal cleaning with the shower. Avoid this type of sex after a heavy meal or exotic foods.


Your girl's desire for anal sex will start long before the act itself. In masturbation, start by stimulating the area with your finger, good kisses or with your tongue. During vaginal penetration, insert a finger into her anus, getting her used to the situation and even enjoying it.

When she is close to orgasm during normal penetration, it is possible to intensify her pleasure with the same finger and you can still feel the anal contractions. During sex make mention of anal sex. With greater excitement, she will be more likely to try.


Whether a steady partner or an illustrious stranger, condoms are indispensable for any anal play. In addition to protecting against STDs, in the region, there are numerous bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections in men and other infections if they have contact with parts of the woman's body (genitals). Without a condom, do not roll!


The number one rule for good anal sex is to do well in foreplay. The more relaxed the woman, the better the act will be. Stimulate her even more in oral sex in the whole area, invest in the Greek kiss, use a lot of tongue and finger. If you have, use toys, make circular movements, start with one finger and introduce others when possible. The goal is to leave her crying out the back door, but vaginal penetration may come first, to make her feel even more comfortable.


It takes a lot of practice and time to do well in anal sex and give pleasure to your partner. For this reason, she must be in control of the situation and choose the best positions. Thus, they control the depth of penetration and maintain constant communication with the partner, to warn you when you are well and when you should stop.


Unlike the vagina, the anus is not a self-lubricating region, so the use of intimate creams and gels is essential. Use water-based lubricants, as they irritate the region less and follow the condom well. For the most inexperienced, anesthetic creams are a good thing, as they help with penetration. Ultimately using the spit can help to keep the environment moist.


Real life is not a porn movie, so forget about those acrobatic positions when you're at your partner's behind. Opt for the most basic, but functional. For starters, women prefer the one on the side or with them on top, because they can control penetration and the pain is less. When you are more professional on the subject, then you can risk face down, on all fours and more daring ones.


It is not because you started with the back door that you are going to leave the leisure area alone. Keep stimulating the clitoris, as it will be the source of female arousal. Keep your footprint, talk a lot slutty, because this is the formula for success.

11 # PACE

Remember that you are not a jackhammer and notice it when you are going too fast when you have to keep pace and how much you have to smooth things over. Ask if she is enjoying it and stop if the feeling of pain she is experiencing is very great.


The great trick of anal sex is not having a trick. Until you reach perfect harmony with your partner, you will need a lot of training and practice. So do not despair if the first few times they are not legal, they are unlikely to be. The important thing is to give all the attention and affection to the partner, leave it well delivered so that she will repay you with great pleasure.


 – No, it is not. If she doesn't feel like doing it, don't insist;

- Arriving through the back door without warning is not cool. Avoid;

- If you purposely 'Miss the aim' she will lose her lust on the spot, in addition to wanting to kick your sack. So don't think about it;

- Do not intercalate anal toy to the vagina. She’s not a porn star and this will only transmit diseases and infections to her;

 - The area is a risk zone and you may not find pleasant things halfway. If you're not prepared for that not-so-cool part, don't ask for it.

What is the importance of lubricant in anal sex? Is there any kind of ideal lubricant?

The anus does not produce the necessary lubrication for penetration, so the use of lubrication is essential. Oral sex in the region helps a lot in relaxation, but saliva alone will not guarantee the necessary ease. Always use water-based lubricants (it is very easy to identify, it is written on the label), as it will not cause skin irritation or harm the condom.

Some people look for lubricants with anesthetics, but it turns out to be a matter of personal taste. Before using this type of lubricant, make a test first, as well as those that cause sensations, such as cold and heat, as the advertisement can be very good, but it does not necessarily work for you.

5 reasons to help you have less complexes with Anal Vibrator!

There is no need to be ashamed of having a vibrator. Both during sexual intercourse and for individual satisfaction, the vibrator is a sex toy used en masse by women around the world.

He is a source of sexual pleasure, so don't be intimidated by the opinions of others! If you want to buy one, do it. If you have one, use it! Now, it is always important to keep the appliance super hygienic: do it whenever you use it and are going to use it.

Here at Sohimi, we will leave you 5 benefits that anal vibrators have for your health:

You will have a deeper sleep

It has been proven that having an orgasm before bedtime will release sleep hormones. Thus, it will allow you to achieve a degree of relaxation and a feeling of lightness that will lead you to deep and completely relaxed sleep. And, a good night's sleep is half the way to wake up feeling more energetic and ready to face adversity.

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It will help to keep your vagina healthy

Regular use of a vibrator will stimulate the walls of the vagina and strengthen them. By making them more elastic, we will keep the vagina healthier. It will also support to avoid cervical and urinary tract impurities through the course of opening the cervix, which occurs during arousal.

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So it is! Did not know? Exercising sexually will also make you exercise your lower pelvis muscles. And a more muscular pelvis will, in turn, give you more intense orgasms!

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It will intensify the feeling of happiness

Do you know what oxytocin and serotonin are? They are the hormones of happiness. And do you know what is one of the things activities that we can do that releases high levels of these hormones? Sexual activities! Yes, we are not kidding! Achieving orgasm helps to release both hormones, helping to reduce tension and free the spirit and head.

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For all this: do not be ashamed and live a full sex life!


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